Sunday, 26 November 2017

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Eine Einheit der staatlichen Kreditgeber Bank Negara Indonesien, ist bullish über Indonesien maritimen Sektor Umzug in 2016, wie es bereitet für den 28. 2015. - Dengan Plattform ini tentunya sangat memudahkan Anda Tra di ng di Mana saja Dengan adanya transaksi saham online saat ini, BNI Wertpapiere 6. 2015. - Sebelum anda terjun ke dalam dunia Bisnis Online Tra di ng Saham atau melalui BNI Wertpapiere secara online dengan harga Rp.380 / lembar Basierend auf Bewertung für myanmar car online tra di ngpany ltd s20: Kontaktpotenzial. Handelspotenziale xposedauto fx Optionen tra di ng bni Wertpapiere. Oder Jacke 1. 2015. - Zaisan Adalah-Plattform Online Tra di ng Berbasis Web Dari BNI Securities. Yang di lengkapi oleh berbagai fitur dan panduan yang bermanfaat Zaisan Adalah-Plattform Online Tra di ng Terb Yang Berbasis Web Dari BNI Securities. Dan di lengkapi oleh berbagai fitur menarik dan panduan berguna bagi 20. 2012. - Bahkan, Plattform Online Tra di ng BNI-Wertpapiere yang terb, eSmart V.3, langsung menampilkan dua pilihan, yaitu transaksi syariah dan Idsaham Berita saham. BNI-Wertpapiere Luncurkan Fasilitas Transaksi Saham Online - BeritaSatu asal berita oleh beritasatu, kode berita saham Daftar kantor BNI-Wertpapiere (kantor pusat dan kantor cabang). Weitere Sehenswürdigkeiten in der Nähe sind: Plaza Indofood Tower Lt 6, Jl Jend Su di rman Kav 76-78, Jakarta Selatan. Di rektur Online Tra di ng PT BNI Wertpapiere Kenichiro Matsuhisa (kanan) dan Corporate Sekretär PT BNI Securities Selly Adriatika (kiri) melihat layanan online 7. 2014. - SBI Securities wird diesen Monat in Indonesien durch BNI Securities starten. Eine Gruppenfirma der Länder startete Verkäufe, in einem Versuch, on-line-Wertpapier tradi ng unter den lokalen Verbrauchern zu fördern. 19. 2013. - Man di ri Sicherheiten (Man di ri Sekuritas Online Tra di ng). Alamat Kantor BNI Wertpapiere (BNI Sekuritas Online Tra di ng). Alamat Kantor. Ged. 31. 2015. - Dalam perdagangan saham, BNI Wertpapiere telah mengembangkan sen di risistem online tra di ng yang di namakan esmart. Dengan esmart 3. 2014 - Saat ini modal dasar BNI Securities adalah sebesar Rp 200 miliar dan BNI Securities Telah mengembangkan sen di ri Sistem Online-tra di ng 29. 2015 - Investasi saham Yang di lakukan Secara langsung (online tra di ng) mpakan BNI Wertpapiere memiliki dua tipplattform online tra di ng. 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Mit esmart können die Kunden über HOTS (Home Online Trader System) Daewoo Securities online handeln. 1hots Zaisan adalah sistem terb dari BNI Sekuritas yang mpakan-Plattform tra di ng berbasis 15. 2015. - Sampai dengan sekarang, BNI-Wertpapiere memiliki dua tipplattform online tra di ng. yaitu eSmart Yang berbasis aplikasi serta Zaisan Yang 19. 2012. - eSmart v.3 di luncurkan sebagai wujud komitmen PT BNI Securities dapat mendorong pertambahan Anzahl der Beiträge nasabah Online-tra di ng juga 24. 2015 - Fitur Online Tra di ng Plattform BNI Securities memiliki dua Tipplattform online tra di ng. Yaitu E-Smart yang berbasis aplikasi serta zaisan yang 20. 2014. - BNI Sekuritas adalah anak usaha dari Bank BNI. BNIS punya aplikasi online tra di ng esmart. Esmart terb adalah versi 3.2.0 errichtet 57. 6. 2012. - Etra di ng paling bagus jus versi androidnya, fasilitasnya menyamai online tra di ng BNI-Wertpapiere. Baik Sinarmas maupun Etra di ng cuma bisa 21. 2012. - karama mudah mendaftar von Etra di ng Securities. Etra di ng Wertpapiere. HOTS (Online tra di ng pertama di Indonesien BNI Securities E-Smart-18 2012. -. Peluang inilah Yang di lihat PT BNI Securities (BNIS) Yang Semakin ini melakukan edukasi tra di ng Online-ini di wilayah-wilayah potensial 10. 2012. - PT BNI Securities berniat meluncurkan Online dan offline tra di ng Syariah, yang se di Anya Akan di Rilis pada Minggu ketiga Juni 2012. 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This miracle is not a miracle or a ruse to deceive the human race, but the advantages that Allah gave to strengthen and reinforce the position of the Apostle call (dawah) that human beings they believe in Allah SWT and not associate him (tawhid). But miracles every prophet and apostle different. It is adapted to the character and condition of his people, which is the object of propaganda. Then, if the miracle of Prophet Muhammad The scholars agreed, among the many miracles that Allah gave to the Prophet Muhammad, the greatest is the Koran. The Quran is the holy book of scriptures complement the previous prophets. The Quran not only clue to achieve happiness of life for Muslims, but also the entire human race. One of the wonders of the Quran is preserved its authenticity and not changed a bit since it was first revealed on the night of 17 Ramadan 14 centuries ago until Judgement. Authenticity of the Quran is guaranteed by God, as in his words, Verily, We have sent down the Quran, and the fact we also really care for it. (Surat al-Hijr: 9) This is proof of the authenticity of the Quran that kept many penghafal born into the world, and the scientific study of the verses that never stops. Kejaibannya, although the Quran revealed 14 centuries ago, but the verses that explain a lot about the future and scientific nature. Even with the advancement of science and technology today, many Quranic verses that are proven true. Scientists have proved the truth of it through a number of experimental scientific research. 1. Facts about iron Iron is one of the heavy metals that are very useful in life. In the Quran Surat al-Hadid verse 25 explains that Allah sent down iron which has great strength and have many benefits for humans. Indeed We have sent Our Messengers with bringing tangible evidence and We sent down with them the Bible and the balance (of justice) so that people can carry out justice. And We send down (anzalnaa) iron which contained her great strength and benefits for mankind, (that they use iron it) and that Allah may know who helps (religion) His and His apostles, but God has not seen. Verily Allah Almighty powerful ruler again. In this verse, the word anzalnaa means we sent down is used to designate an iron. If interpreted figuratively word anzalnaa explains that the iron was created for the benefit of humans. When interpreting the word literally, ie the material handed down from the sky, the obtained means that the iron down from the sky. Some scientists have proved the truth of that verse. Iron particles do not originate from Earth but from outer space objects. Heavy metals in the universe is created and produced in the core of massive stars. But our solar system does not have a suitable structure to produce iron independently. Iron can only be created and produced in stars are much larger than the sun, where the temperature reaches a few hundred million degrees. When the amount of iron exceeds a certain level in a star, the star can no longer bear it, and eventually explodes in what is called a nova or a supernova. As a result of this explosion, meteors containing iron are scattered throughout the universe and they move through a vacuum to undergo by the gravitational pull of celestial bodies. All of this suggests that the ferrous metals are not formed on earth but shipment of stars that exploded in space via meteors and down to earth, exactly as stated in the verse. At the very least, there are nine verses in the Quran which discuss and explain about the iron. One of them, And Allah has given you shelter from what He has created, and He made for you shelters in the mountains, and He made you garments that take care of you from the heat and clothing (armor) who cares for you in battle. Thus Allah complete His favor upon you that ye may surrender (unto Him). (Surat an-Nahl: verse 81) 2. The fact of creation in pairs Yaasin letter Koran verse 36 explains, God created everything in pairs. In another verse, Allah says, And all things We have created pairs that you may remember the greatness of God. (Surat adh-Zaariyat: 49). According to this verse, Allah created the pairs not only humans, but all things that grow from the earth and various particles that are not visible to the eye. A British scientist Paul Dirac, successfully conducted a study that proved that matter is created in pairs. His invention is called parite. He obtained the Nobel Prize in physics in 1933 for his discovery. 3. Facts about the solar system orbits Sun, planets, satellites and other celestial bodies move in their orbit. Quran Sura Anbiya verse 33 and verse 38 explains Yaasin letter about it and proven scientific facts were correct. Many verses in the Quran that describe the universe and solar system. Some of them such as: It is He who created night and day, sun and moon. Each one of them was circulating in an orbit. (Surat al-Anbiya: 33) And the sun runs its circulation in place. Thus the provisions of the All-Mighty, the Knower. (Surah Ya Sin: 38) And We ordained for months manzilah-manzilah, so (after he got to the last manzilah) he returned as a bunch of old forms. (Surah Ya Sin: 39) It is not possible for the sun to get the moon and the night also can not precede the day. And each circulating in an orbit. (Surah Ya Sin: 40) Astronomical observations have proved the truth of this fact. According to astronomers, the sun is moving very fast with speeds reaching 720 thousand km per hour toward the star Vega in a particular orbit called the Solar Apex. In addition to the sun, all the planets and satellites in the solar system gravity is also walking distance. All the stars in the universe are also in a similar motion. 4. Facts about the creation of man in 3 stages In the Quran Az Zumar verse 6 letter explained, man is created in the mothers womb in three stages. He created you from a single self, then He made thereof He dropped to his wife and eight tails you that pairs of animals. He made you in your mothers belly three events have in the dark. Who (do) That is Allah, your Lord, Lord of the kingdom. There is no God (worthy of worship) but He: then how can ye deluded The development of modern biology has been successful in uncovering clues from the text. The growth of the baby in the womb through three stages (three of darkness). The Quran uses the term dark because it is the process of the creation of man in the belly of the mother in the womb occurs in the dark. Stages, the first, pre-embryonic phase, the zygote grows larger through cell division later became segumpalan cells immerse themselves in the uterine wall. As the growth of the zygote, constituent cells organize themselves to form three layers. Second, the embryonic stage which lasted five and a half weeks. Babies at this stage are called embryonic. Organs and systems of the body also begins to form. The third stage of the fetus, which began 8 months of pregnancy until birth. At this stage the baby has human-like face, hands and legs. 5. Facts about the sex of the baby The findings of 20th century genetics explains that the sex of a baby is determined by the semen of men. In the male semen contained chromosome X that contains the properties of y chromosome femininity and masculinity contains. Whereas in the female egg cell contains only X chromosome containing the properties of womanhood. The sex of a baby depends on the sperm that fertilize, whether it contains x or y chromosome. The Quran has explained the fact that in a letter an-Najm verses 45-46, He who created pairs of men and women, from semen, when emitted. Before the discovery was obtained, people assume that the origin of sex from women. 6. Facts about human fingerprints Every human being has a unique fingerprint characteristics and differ from one person to another. The uniqueness of the new fingerprint was found in the 19th century. Before the discovery, fingerprint only considered a normal arch that has no meaning. Quran surah Al Qiyaamah verses 3-4 describe the power of God to reunite the remains of the dead, even God is also able to reconstitute his fingertips perfectly. Surah Al Qiyamah verses 3-4: Does man think that We will not collect (back) his bones Not so, in fact we construct the power (back) with his fingers perfectly. 7. Facts about breastfeeding babies for 2 years Breast milk or breast milk is beneficial for babies. Breast milk is the best food source for infants and contain substances that can boost immunity. No man-made milk that can rival the quality of breast milk. Luqman Koran verse 14 letter recommends men to do good to his parents, his mother had been contained in a weakened state that increase steadily, and weaning in two years. The letter explains that the best time to give breast milk to a baby is 2 years old because it gives a lot of benefits. And We have commanded man (doing good) to his two mother-father mother had conceived him in a weakened state that increase steadily, and weaning in two years. Be grateful to Me and to your father mother two, just to your return is mine. 8. Facts about the relativity of time Albert Einstein in the early 20th century managed to find the theory of relativity. This theory explains that time is determined by the mass and velocity. Time may change according to circumstances. Some verses in the Quran also has megisyaratkan the relativity of time, among them the Quran surah Al Hajj verse 47, the letter as-Sajda verse 5 and verse Maaarij Quran Sura 4. And they ask thee to hasten in order to doom it, but God will never violate His promise. A day with your Lord is like a thousand years of your reckoning. (Surat al-Hajj: 47) He directs the whole affair from heaven to earth, and then (the affairs of) it up to Him in a day whose levels (the length of) a thousand years of your reckoning. (Surat as-Sajda: 5) The angels and Gabriel up (facing) to the Lord in that day whereof fifty thousand years. (Surah Al Maarij: 4) Some other Quranic verse explains, humans perceive time differently sometimes, a short time can seem long and vice versa. 9. Facts about mountain Mount not only beautify the landscape. Examined from the science of geology, the mountains serve as a counterweight to the earth from shaking. Mount following the impact of the giant plates that form the earths crust. When two plates collide, the stronger slab slid down while the weak slab folds up to form the highlands and mountains. The Quran describes the functions of the mountains in a few verses of which are in Al Anbiya verse 21 and Surat an-Naba verses 6-7. Mountain is like a nail which makes sheets of wood still belong together. And We made the earth firm mountains so that the earth was (not) shake with them, and We made (also) in the earths wide streets, so they got the hint. (Surat al-Anbiya: 31) Have We not made the earth as a wide expanse, and the mountains as pegs, (Surat an-Naba : 6-7) 10. Facts about the dark ocean floor Humans are not able to dive in the sea with a depth of less than 40 meters without special equipment. In a book called Oceans are also described, at a depth of 200 meters encountered almost no light, while at a depth of 1000 meters there is no light at all. Dark seabed conditions can only be known after the invention of advanced technology. But the Quran has described the state of the ocean floor since thousands of years ago before the technology was discovered. Quran Surat an-Nur verse 40 explains the scientific facts. Or like the darkness in a vast deep ocean, overwhelmed by the waves, the waves on it (anyway), on it (again) clouds, darkness is overlap-overlapping, when he took his hand, Nor he can see it, (and) whoever is not given a light (guidance) by God Nor had he the slightest light. (Surat an-Nuur: 40). 11. Facts about the creation of man Surah Ar Rakhman verse 14: He was made man of the soil hard as pottery / burnt land. The meaning shal shal in the verse is the oxygen / oxygen. Fakhkhar word meaning carbon / carbonium. Surah Al Hijr verse 28: . of dry soil and black mud. . Said the intention is hamaa in nitrogen / nitrogenium. Surah As Sajdah verse 7: . derived from the land . The word is a thin liquid atom / hidrogenium. Surah As Shaffaat verse 11: . from clay. . Lazib said the intention is iron / ferum. Surah Ali Imran verse 59: He created Adam from clay. Turab said the intention is the land in which there are genuine substances called inorganic substances. Turab / inorganic substances only after through compounding process between carbonium, oksigenium and nitrogenium and hidrogenium. Clearly compounds between shal shal / oxygen / oxygen in verse 14 of Surah Ar Rakhman and fakhkhar mean carbon / carbonium. Hamaa in / nitrogenium / nitrogen in Surah Al Hijr verse 28. Thin / hidrogenium / water substance in Surah As Sajdah verse 7. Then bound with iron / ferum, iodine, potassium, manganese and silicium called laazib / inorganic substances in verse 11 of Surah As intercession. In the process of these compounds and substances formed called protein. This is called Turab / substance inorganic substances in surah Ali Imran verse 59. One of the most important inorganic substances are potassium substance that there are many in the body tissue, especially in muscles. Potassium is considered important because it has activity in biological processes in the formation of the subtle body. With the ongoing proteinisasi incarnating the replacement process called substitution. After having completed the substitution of electron beam electron menggempurlah cosmis who realize cause formation / formation called also because the form / causa formatis. The cosmis rays are the rays that have the ability to change the properties derived from the ground. It is easy to realize the creation of light cosmis human body in the form of rough body. Up here the exact science to analyze the formation of bodily / physical man. 12. Facts about lightning Surah Ar Rum / Rome verse 24: And among the signs of His sovereignty, He shows you the lightning to strike fear and hope, and He sends down water from the sky, and therewith the earth after its death. Verily in this is true there are signs for a people who use their minds . It is highly improbable that the Quran Muhammad creation. One great when the Quran says jiplakkan / contekkan of the Bible / Scripture as expressed by the leader of the church leaders. Prophet Muhammad never studied physics, never studied nuclear, but it can be reported that the crash that resulted in the occurrence of lightning and scary it proved beneficial to humans. Lightning consists of static electricity and by leaping into the earth, comes the oxidation of oxygen so that it becomes ozone. Ozone has a great benefit for life on Earth, among others nourish plants, healthy for humans and animals and is a filter for cosmic rays will enter earth. Ozone oxidation oxygen ozone due to lightning jumps can only be learned in the twentieth century. In fact, the Quran has been reported in the seventh century. 13. Facts about the mummy of Pharaoh In mid-1975 an agreement between Egypt to France to research, study and analyze the mystery behind the death of Pharaoh, whose body has been preserved and known as mummies. The study was conducted by medical scientists / experts autopsy / surgery etc. with leading French and modern medical equipment under the direction and at the same surgeon primarily responsible: Prof. Dr. Maurice Buccaille. Buccaille is celebrated French surgeon and began his career in medicine in 1945 as a specialist gastroenterology. That is why when there is a bid to examine and analyze the mummy of Pharaoh he muster all his ability to uncover the cause of death of the ancient Egyptian king. When it has finished examining the mummy of Pharaoh Maurice Buccaille concluded that the remains of salt attached to the body of the mummy is the biggest proof that he had died due to drowning in the sea. Her body was removed from the sea then be embalmed mummy. Associated with the formulation of the final report that one of the researchers said that the Muslims have actually talked about the sinking of Pharaoh at sea. News ears like thunder burst. Bucaille balk at the news and consider it impossible. Disclosure of pharaoh mummy by drowning in the sea through the study, assisted with advanced medical equipment. How do Muslims know as the new mummies discovered in 1898 while the Quran was revealed in the seventh century. Does it make sense to know when it happened Muhammad existed thousands of years before Muhammad was born. Bucaille could not sleep all night, then read the Old Testament, the water was back to the way it was covered wagon, cavalry, and the entire army of Pharaoh that goes into the ocean behind them, not a single one of them left. The New Testament also does not talk about being saved and the Pharaohs remains intact. Once the repair is completed research later returned to Egypt and mummies, nothing makes a calm mind since he was told that the Muslims talk about each others remains at sea drowned Pharaoh and then removed from the sea. Bucaille eventually encounter scientists autopsy of the Muslims. From this began the conversation-conversation for the first time with medical scientists from the Muslims. Bucaille asks about the life of Moses, and the actions undertaken to persecute the pharaoh that Moses and Pharaoh drowned body was rescued from the sea. Then stood one scientist autopsy Muslim to recite the Holy Quran Bucaille. Surah Yunus verse 92: So this day We save your body so that you can be a lesson for those who come sesudahmu and indeed most people unmindful of the rule of signs Us. Quran Bucaille was very touching. Verse of the Quran that makes sense and encourages science to evolve forward. His heart trembled and her vibe encourages him to stand before the people who were present while calling aloud: Behold, I converted to Islam and I believe in the Quran. She left her own cherished beliefs from childhood. As followers of the Catholic religion the European nationality since childhood has been inscribed in the minds Bucaille that Islam is the religion of fools. Islam is the religion of the people who are not civilized. But since research mummy of Pharaoh and hear Surah Yunus verse 92 he turned one hundred eighty degrees. Bucaille then spend time researching the suitability essence-nature and modern discoveries to the Quran. Post the results of her research with the title la Bible, le Coran et la Science. The Bible, the Quran and Modern Science. In the book he explains that the Quran is very consistent with science and technology while the Bible instead. 14. facts about vegetarianism Surah Al Maidah verse 87: O ye who believe what either forbid what Allah has made lawful for you. Surah Al Hajj: Dan has been lawful to you all animals except those described keharamannya thee. Surah An Nahl verse 116: And say not of what is described by the tongue is a lie, this is halal and haram. In a scientific study, people who ate foods derived from plants growing body condition would result in a weak and susceptible to disease result. Wisdom contained in the Holy Quran prohibition against eating just vegetables alone, as revealed by nutrition experts when people want to live a healthy life do not let it consume only vegetables but also meat dagingan including animal parts such as milk or eggs. God created human digestion by the digestive different grazing livestock. Human digestive shorter than the digestion of grass-eating animals, so when the human digestive filled with vegetables only cause damage to the digestive system tissue work. Hikmah Islamic law is contained in the Quran regarding the ban on vegetarian evidenced by modern findings after conducting in-depth research. 14. facts about skin Opening of the veil of heart Thailand pharmacologists Tajaten Tahasen Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Chiang Mai Thailand, recently declared themselves converted to Islam while reading the paper Professor Keith Moore of America. Keith Moore is leading Embryology experts from Canada, citing Surat an-Nisa verse 56 which explains that burns deep enough not to cause pain because sensory nerve endings are gone. After returning to Thailand Tajaten explain his findings to students, students eventually as many as 5 people have embraced Islam. The sound of the letter of An-Nisaa verse 56 was as berkut: Surely those who disbelieve the revelations of us, and we will add them later into hell, every time their skin burned, we replace them with leather skin others so that they feel the pain of punishment. Surely Allah is Mighty, Wise. Reviewed in anatomical layers of our skin globally consists of 3 layers namely epidermis, dermis and sub cutis. In the sub cutis layers contain many ends of blood vessels and nerves. In the event of combustio grade III (severe burns that have penetrated the sub cutis) one sign that the loss of the patients pain. This is because the already non-functioning of the ends of the afferent and efferent nerve fibers that regulate sensation persefsi. That is why God regrow damaged skin when he tortured a pagan His servants so they can feel the pain of the punishment of God. Almighty God who has inserted the words of His greatness and His partial information through the body cells, chromosomes, blood vessels, nerves, etc. vessels. 15. Facts about milk Surah an-Nahl verse 66: Verily in the cattle beast into ibrah / lesson for you. We give you than what is in the stomach in the form of milk that clean between the dirt and the blood and easier to swallow for those who drink it . That turned out to God issued a clean and pure milk of the dirt and blood. Physiology / science related to organ function, explaining that the animals through the system pencernakannya digest food and absorb nutrients juice. Then it turned into a sari sari blood flow to the blood vessels vessels for distribution to body cells including the cells into the milk bag. The milk in a bag, mammary glands take the elements needed to produce milk. So forth pure milk to nourish the body when taken. Thats the modern scientific discoveries about the production of fresh milk turns out from between the dung and blood. But the Quran has been reported in the seventh century. 16. Facts about illicit carcass In the carcass of an animal that has become flesh still contain toxins due to the deposition of blood. So the animals are bled to death without a net basis through the slaughtering process is correct according to the rules of religion is forbidden to eat carrion. Animals that died of illness, electrocuted, strangled or beaten to death without a lot of spending a lot of toxins in the blood so that the blood settles in the body of the animal. DR. John Hanfer of Denmark, in a medical dialogue saying, If the germs fall in blood from the hands of a knife or a butcher, then the bacteria will multiply rapidly and invade the blood as a whole. While blood is a fertile ground for the growth of germs. These organisms can move to the lowest point of the blood in the container. Therefore, it has a tail like a whip to move swiftly. If you take a gram of blood and one gram of meat. After a few seconds, count the number of germs that proliferate in the blood of one gram and one gram of meat, you will find a huge difference. Blood be shed germs, while the flesh is not. Warum. Because the hard surface of the meat, so germs can not penetrate. Furthermore, the germs will run out of food substances, so it is not able to grow and multiply. Scientific discovery and concluded that explains the causes, the absorption aspect, content, and food debris that is in the blood. Be careful in buying meat and doing because it could have given to us is the carcass of an animal that has become unclean and contain toxins that are not good for consumption because it can damage our health. The carcasses were certainly contain blood, poison, eggs and maggots bacteria may begin to eat away any part of his body. The stench in the carcass is generally caused by the process of decomposition by bacteria that produce acetic acid, nitrogen, methane, hydrogen, carbon dioxide, etc. which methane and acetic acid cause foul odors nose. The pungent smell is very disturbing the peace and tranquility of the human psyche as well as nausea caused by the smell of carrion scent is disgusting. Fluids produced by spoilage bacteria carcass there that can make us sick from mild and severe diarrhea, malarian, wound infection / tetanus, squint eyes, swelling, degradation of red blood cells, etc. Bacteria in the body has been able to undermine our bodys cells that can cause death or if it was healthy to do cutting / amputation of body parts. Dangerous to consume the carcass has been informed by the seventh century / have stated many centuries ago in the Quran. The truth was evident in modern times after the discovery tool of modern medical aids. This once again proves that the Quran is the word of God. 17. Facts about blood illicit In blood generally contains uric acid which is toxic / very toxic hazardous to human health. Uric acid in the body which we will dibawan blood will then be thrown out of the body with urine / urine through the kidneys. Drinking blood or eating foods that are not clean from the blood can make us or aggravate the poisoning of our precious kidneys and results in kidney damage or failure occurs ginja medical term lsehingga had to do dialysis. Lessons diharamkannya been reported to consume blood Quran in the seventh century, and in modern times it has been justified dangerous to consume blood. 18. Facts about swine haram CHRISTIAN: You (Muslims) say that pigs unclean, because it takes waste containing tapeworm, microbes and other bacteria. Its now gone. Because pigs bred in modern farms, with guaranteed hygiene, and adequate sterilization process. How could the pigs were infected with tapeworms or bacteria and other microbes In answering these questions CHRISTIAN, ISLAMIC answer by asking CHRISTIAN provide: 3 chickens consisted of 2 males and 1 female 3 pigs consisted of 2 males and 1 female Then, 3 chickens was used in one enclosure space. Guess what happened Rooster and other roosters fight each other until one lost 1 hen to fight. ISLAMIC then requested that the 3 pigs that have been provided in order to put together in one enclosure space. And what happens Both male pigs were helping each other to fuck 1 female pigs, two males that help each other mutually. Males sometimes even fellow male intercourse. From here ISLAM explained that although pigs are considered steri, still his behavior that will bring adverse effects on the eater. Islam says: Thats why you guys CHRISTIAN disease-free sex, children brought another unidentified man, wife hugged kissed someone else but not angry, origin consensual affair is already a commonplace, often of you legalize same-sex marriage, it was like behavior of the prophet Lut were punished Yet the fact that the pig is still not sterile because pig disease found in his DNA to his cage as clean as any treatment and then pig disease still remain and can not be removed. One more thing to note that the pig is very similar to DNA with human DNA. Moreover, modern science has revealed many diseases caused by eating pork. Part of it is mentioned by Dr. Murad Hoffman, a German Muslim, a former ambassador to Germany, in his book Turbulence Thought: Diary of Muslims in Germany , pages 130-131: Eating pork worm that infected pigs is not only dangerous, but can also lead to increased content of cholesterol and slow the process of protein breakdown in the body, resulting in the possibility of developing colon cancer, skin irritation, eczema, and rheumatism. Did not we already know, influenza viruses are dangerous to live and thrive in the summer because the medium pig Other diseases transmitted by pork aplenty, including: 1. Hog cholera. That is a dangerous disease caused by a virus 2. Miscarriage pus, caused by bacteria prosillia pigs. 3. Skin redness, malignant and chronic. The former can lead to death in some cases, and the second cause joint problems. 4. Disease exfoliation. 5. Eskares parasites, which are harmful to humans. 19. Facts about ants In the letter of An-Naml verse 18: Till, when they reached the Valley of ant an ant said: O ants, enter your dwellings, that ye are not trampled by Solomon and his soldiers while they perceive not. Translation of this verse, a translation for a minimal gain a preliminary understanding of this verse or textual. But if further examination of disciplines Arabic, which is highly needed to obtain substantial meaning of every verse of the Quran in addition to other sciences, then this verse will be found a scientific gesture, which was usually has 14 centuries Quran mentioned the past but only in the 20th century can be confirmed by Knowledge science, especially biology. In simple terms can be described, from the standpoint of the Arabic language, there is actually an important distortion of the official translations (version MORA) above, in particular the sentence Qaalat namlatu () translated with: said an ant. Supposedly the full translation is (has) said a female ants. Why is that Because the word namlatun () using the form muannats (noun for female type) with sign ta marbuthah () so that ant is within this paragraph are female ants. That is why the preceding verb given the suffix ta maftuhah () as pronouns to female / female refers to dhamir (Hiya) so be (say) as a sign that the said it was a female ants. So the first conclusion, the ant is within this paragraph is FEMALE ANT. Furthermore, what is said by ANT FEMALE it The answer lies in the next sentence: . O ants, enter your dwellings, that ye are not trampled by Sulayman and his troops do not realize FEMALE ANT is apparently ordered another semut2 to get into their holes. If so, it means female ants have special authority or power so that he can command the other ants to do something. It means that the ant species, there is also a leader who has the authority and power to rule and govern their lives, and this verse implies that leaders in the ant species is ANTS FEMALE, not a male ant. Because females, we call it the ant leaders as QUEEN OF ANTS The next question, What does the science with respect to cue the Quran Apparently, this knowledge within modern biology confirms that the leader of an entity ant is a FEMALE ANT, QUEEN. (Source: Agus Purwanto, D. Sc. Verses Universe: Side-Side The Forgotten Quran, (Bandung: Mizan, 2008) How sophistication of scientific miracles of the Quran, far ahead of the development of science and technology. 14 centuries ago the Quran has been confirmed that the leader of a community of ants ants are female, but modern science can only be found in the 20th century. 20. Facts about sea water do not mix He let the two seas meet them later. Between them is a barrier which they do not transgress, respectively. (Surat ar-Rahman: 19-20) Heres the photo, which shows the flow of the two oceans that never mix, as if no bulkhead or wall that separates them. Subhan Allah, praise be to Allah, the Exalted. It turns sea water do not mix it really exists. Another verse tells the same phenomenon found in Surat Al-Furqan verse 53 which reads: And it is He who let the two seas that flow (side by side), which is fresh again fresh and the other salty and bitter, and He made between the two walls and boundaries that block. (Surah Al-Furqaan: 53) Two oceanic mixed it located in the Strait of Gibraltar, the strait which separates the continent of Africa and Europe, precisely between the countries Morocco and Spain. Current Gibraltar Strait is very large at the bottom. This is due to differences in temperature, salinity, and density of water (density) it. Sea water in the Mediterranean Sea (Mediterranean) has a density and a higher salt content than sea water in the Atlantic Ocean. By their very nature, the water will move from high density to areas with a lower density of water. So the current moves in the Strait of Gibraltar to the west, towards the Atlantic Ocean. Then if the water gets mixed with water in the Atlantic Ocean NO. Warum. Apparently when sea water from the Mediterranean Sea to the Atlantic Ocean, they do not mix. As if no bulkhead that separates the two types of water. Even the boundary between the two pieces of sea water is very clear. Sea water from the Atlantic Ocean brighter blue. While sea water from the Mediterranean darker. This is the miracle of nature. Not only is it strange of behavior of both the sea water. Ternyarta, sea water from the Mediterranean Sea that does not want to mix with sea water from the Atlantic Ocean is infiltrated under sea water from the Atlantic Ocean. The water of the Mediterranean is infiltrated under the water of the Atlantic Ocean at a depth of 1000 feet below the surface of the Atlantic Ocean. In the Strait of Gibraltar was a meeting of two different types of sea. The difference was apparent from the difference in the color of sea water. There is a boundary line that separates the two. Sea water from the Atlantic ocean blue lighter. Seawater from the Mediterranean sea blue is darker, more concentrated. Line boundaries are very clear. How did it happen Sea water from the Atlantic into the Mediterranean Sea or the Mediterranean through the Strait of Gibraltar. Both have different characteristics. Different water temperatures. Different salinity. Density of water (density) airpun different. The second time it met the water in the Strait of Gibraltar, the character of each sea water has not changed. Come to think logically, inevitably mixed, in fact, does not mix. Both sea water it takes a long time to mix, so that the characteristics of melt water. Evaporation of water in the Mediterranean Sea is very large, being the water of the river that empties into the Mediterranean Sea is reduced once. That is why the Atlantic Ocean water flowing into the Mediterranean Sea. Properties of the ocean when they met, according to modern science, can not be mixed with each other. This has been explained by marine experts. Due to differences in density, surface tension prevents both water from the oceans is not becampur each other, as if there is a thin wall that separates them. Mediterranean sea water, dark blue, infiltrated to a depth of 1000 m above sea level, in the Atlantic, and continues to go as far as hundreds of miles in the Atlantic and remains unchanged characteristics. Subhannallah. Explanation of modern physics in the new century by experts 20M oceanography. Word on the Al Quran was revealed in the 7th century AD, 14 centuries ago. Superb, which has views of the Strait of Gibraltar two water color is amazing. Verily in the creation of the heavens and the earth and the alternation of night and day, there are signs for men of understanding. (Surah Al-Imran: 190) 21. Facts about the separation of heaven and earth And if those who disbelieve known that the heavens and the earth were of one piece, then We parted them. And We made from water every living thing. Will they not also believe (Quran, 21:30) The word ratq which is translated here as one piece is used to refer to two different substances that make up a whole. The phrase We clove them asunder is a translation of the Arabic word fataqa, and implies that something comes into being through the event of separation or breakdown structure ratq. Seed germination and emergence of shoots from the soil is one of the events expressed by using this word. Let us examine this verse again based on this knowledge. In the verse, sky and earth are the subject of the adjective fatq. The two then separate (fataqa) with each other. Interestingly, when recalling the early stages of the Big Bang, we understand that one single point containing all the matter in the universe. In other words, all things, including the heavens and earth which at the time was not yet created, also contained in a single point which is still in a state of ratq this. This single point is very powerful burst, causing the materials it contains for fataqa (separate), and in a series of such events, the building and the overall order of the universe was formed. When we compare the verse explanations with scientific findings, we see that they actually correspond to one another. An especially interesting again, these findings are not yet occur before the 20th century. 22. Facts about the deployment of the universe In the Quran, which was revealed 14 centuries ago at a time when the science of astronomy was still underdeveloped, deployment of the universe is described as follows: It is We wake up with power (We) and it is We Who are steadily expanding it. (Quran, 51:47) The word heaven, as stated in this verse, is used in many places in the Quran with the meaning of space and universe. Here again, the word is used with this meaning. In other words, the Quran says that the universe is undergoing expansion or swell. And this is the conclusion reached present-day science. Until the early 20th century, the only view that is generally believed to be in the world of science is that the universe is fixed and has been there since time immemorial without beginning. However, the research, observations, and calculations carried out with modern technology, revealed that the universe actually had a beginning, and he is constantly expands. In the early 20th century, the Russian physicist Alexander Friedmann and the Belgian cosmologist, George Lemaitre, theoretically calculated and found that the universe is constantly moving and expanding. This fact is evidenced also by using the observational data in 1929. While observing the sky with a telescope, Edwin Hubble, an American astronomer, discovered that the stars and galaxies moving away from each other. A universe where everything constantly moves away from one another, meaning that the universe constantly expands. The observations made in subsequent years to strengthen the fact that the universe was expanding. This fact is explained in the Quran at the time no one knows. This is because the Quran is the word of God, the Creator, and Ruler of the entire universe. 23. Facts about the sky which returns Verse 11 of Surat Al-Tariq in the Quran, refers to the function returns of the sky. By the sky containing the rain. (Quran, 86:11) The word interpreted as containing rain in Quran translations also means send back or returning. As known, the atmosphere surrounding the Earth consists of a number of layers. Each layer has an important role to life. The research revealed that these layers have the function returns objects or light they receive into space or toward the bottom, ie, to the earth. Now, let us examine the example of the function returns from the layers that surround the earth. Layers of the troposphere, 13 to 15 km above the earths surface, allowing water vapor rising from the surface of the earth be gathered until saturated and fall back to earth as rain. Ozone layer, at an altitude of 25 km, reflects harmful radiation and ultraviolet light coming from space and return them to space. Ionosphere, reflect radio waves emitted from the earth to various other parts of the world, just like a passive communications satellites, allowing wireless communication, radio broadcasting and television transmission at considerable distance. Magnetic layers reflect the harmful radioactive particles emitted by the Sun and other stars into space before it reaches Earth. Properties of the layers of the sky that can only be discovered scientifically in the present, has stated centuries ago in the Quran. This once again proves that the Quran is the word of God. 24. Facts about atmospheric layer One fact about the universe revealed in the Quran is that the sky is made up of seven layers. He is God, who made everything on the earth for you and He is willing towards the sky, and made him the seven heavens. And He knows all things. (Quran, 2:29) Then He went to the sky, and the sky was still a smoke. Then He makes seven heavens in two days and revealed in every heaven its affairs. (Quran, 41:11-12) The word sky, which often appears in many verses in the Quran, is used to refer to the heaven of the earth and also the whole universe. With the meaning of the word, it is seen that the heavens or the earth consists of seven layers of the atmosphere. Currently it is known that the Earths atmosphere consists of different layers overlapping. More than that, exactly as stated in the Quran, the atmosphere is made up of seven layers. In scientific resource, it is described as follows: The scientists found that the atmosphere consists of several layers. The layers differ in physical characteristics, such as pressure and type of gas. Layer of the atmosphere closest to the earth is called the troposphere. It contains about 90 of the total mass of the atmosphere. The layer above the troposphere is called the stratosphere. OZONE LAYER is the part of the stratosphere where ultraviolet light absorption occurs. The layer above the stratosphere is called MESOSPHERE. THERMOSPHERE lies above the mesosphere. Ionized gases form a layer called the thermosphere IONOSPHERE. The outer portion of Earths atmosphere extends from about 480 km to 960 km. This part is called the exosphere. (Carolyn Sheets, Robert Gardner, Samuel F. Howe General Science, Allyn and Bacon Inc. Newton, Massachusetts, 1985, s. 319-322) If we count the number of layers cited in this source, we know that the atmosphere consists of exactly seven layers, as stated in the verse. 1. Tropospheric 2. Stratosphere 3. Ozonosfer 4. Mesosphere 5. Thermosphere 6. Ionosphere 7. Exosphere Another important miracle in this case Fushshilat mentioned in the 12th verse, . He was revealed in every heaven its affairs. In other words, in this verse Allah states that He assigned each heaven tasks or functions, respectively. As understood, each of these layers has an important function for the benefit of mankind and all other living things on Earth. Each layer has a specific function, from rain to the formation of radiation protection against harmful rays, from reflecting radio waves to averting the harmful effects of meteors. One of these functions, for example, stated in a scientific source as follows: Earths atmosphere has 7 layers. Lowest layer is called the troposphere. Rain, snow, and wind only occurs in the troposphere. 25. Facts about wind marry In a verse of the Quran, which marries the wind properties and formation of rain as. And We have fecundating winds and We send down rain from the sky, and We give you to drink it with water and once ye are not the store. (Quran, 15:22) In this verse is emphasized that the first stage in the formation of rain is wind. Until the early 20th century, the only relationship between the wind and the rain that is known is that the wind that moves the clouds. However, modern meteorological findings have demonstrated the role of mating of the wind in the formation of rain. Mated function of the wind works as follows: Above sea level and the ocean, countless air bubbles form because of the amount of froth. At the moment these bubbles burst, thousands of tiny particles with a diameter of one hundredth of a millimeter, are thrown into the air. These particles, known as aerosols, mix with dust carried from the land by the wind, and are carried into the upper atmosphere. These particles carried to higher altitudes by winds and met with water vapor there. Water vapor condenses around these particles and turns into water droplets. These water droplets first come together and form clouds and then falls to Earth in the form of rain. As seen, winds marry the water vapor floating in the air with the particles they carry from the sea, and eventually help the formation of rain clouds. If winds did not possess this property, water droplets in the upper atmosphere would never form and the rain will never happen. The most important thing here is that the primary role of the wind in the formation of rain was stated centuries ago in a verse of the Quran, at a time when people only know very little about natural phenomena. 26. Facts about precipitation levels Other facts given in the Quran about rain is that rain down to the earth in some measure. It is mentioned in Surat Az Zukhruf as follows And Who sends down water from the sky according to the degree (required) and then we turn the water off the land, such as that you will be excluded (from the grave). (Quran, 43:11) Levels in the rain is also once again been discovered by modern research. Is estimated that in one second, approximately 16 million tons of water evaporates from the earth. This figure amounts to 513 trillion tons of water per year. This figure was equal to the amount of rain that falls to earth in a year. This means that water continuously circulates in a balanced cycle, according to a measure certain. Life on Earth depends on this water cycle. Even though humans use all the technologies that exist in this world, they will not be able to make a cycle like this. Even a small deviation from this amount will soon lead to ecological imbalance that can put an end to life on earth. However, this never happened and the rain always fall each year in an amount that is really the same as stated in the Quran. 27. Facts about mountain movement In one verse, we are informed that mountains are not silent as they seem, but they are constantly moving. And you see the mountains, you would have thought he was still in his place, and hes running as the way the clouds. (Thats) act of God that makes the sturdy all things surely Allah is Aware of what you do. (Quran, 27:88) Mountains movement is caused by the movement of the earths crust where they are. The Earths crust is like floating on a layer of magma that is more tightly. In the early 20th century, for the first time in history, a German scientist named Alfred Wegener suggested that the continents on the earths surface converges on the early days of the earth, but then shifted to different directions so that when they move apart each other away. Geologists to understand the truth of the statement Wegener new in 1980, ie 50 years after his death. As once stated by Wegener in a paper published in 1915, about 500 million years ago all over the mainland that is in the earths surface initially is a single entity called Pangaea. This land is located at the south pole. Around 180 million years ago, Pangaea split into two parts each of which moves in different directions. One land or continent is a giant Gondwana, which included Africa, Australia, Antarctica and India. The second is a giant continent Laurasia, which included Europe, North America and Asia, excluding India. For 150 years after this separation, Gondwana and Laurasia divided into lands smaller. Continent-continent Pangaea was formed following the parting of the Earths surface moves continuously as far as a few centimeters per year. This event also led to changes in area ratio between land and ocean on Earth. The movement of the Earths crust found after geological studies conducted in the early 20th century. The scientists describe these events as follows: The crust and the outer portion of the magma, with a thickness of about 100 km, is divided into layers called plates. There are six major plates, and several small plates. According to the theory called plate tectonics, these plates move on the surface of the earth, carrying continents and ocean floor with him. Continental movement and speed has been measured 1 to 5 cm per year. The plates are constantly moving, and produce changes in the geography of the earth slowly. Every year, for example, the Atlantic Ocean becomes slightly wider. (Carolyn Sheets, Robert Gardner, Samuel F. Howe General Science, Allyn and Bacon Inc. Newton, Massachusetts, 1985, s. 30) There is a very important thing that should be mentioned here: the above verse Allah has called on the motion of mountains as mengapungnya cloud journey. (Today, modern scientists also use the term continental drift or movement of the continents float for this movement. (National Geographic Society, the Powers of Nature, Washington DC, 1978, s.12-13) No question about it, is one of the miracles of the Quran that this scientific fact, which has recently been discovered by scientists, has revealed in the Quran. 28. Facts about wrapping the bones by muscle Another important aspect of the information mentioned in the verses of the Quran is the developmental stages of a human being in the mothers womb. Mentioned in the verses that in the mothers womb, the bones are formed first, and then the muscles form which wrap around the bones. Then We made the sperm blood clot, then We made the clot a lump of flesh, and We made a lump of flesh bones, then We wrap the bones with flesh. Then We made him a creature (shape) else. So Maha it be to God, the Creator of The Most Good (Quran, 23:14) Embryology is the branch of science that studies the development of the embryo in the mothers womb. Until recently, embryologists assumed that the bones and muscles in an embryo developed at the same time. Therefore, since a long time, some people claimed that these verses conflicted with science. Yet, advanced microscopic research conducted by new technological developments has revealed that the revelation of the Quran is word for word correct. Research at the microscopic level showed that the development inside the mothers womb occur exactly in the manner described in the verse. First, the cartilage tissue of the embryo ossifies. Then the muscle cells are selected from the tissue around the bones come together and wrap around the bones. This event is described in a scientific publication with the following sentence: In the seventh week, the order began to spread throughout the body and the bones that form we reach the end of the seventh week kenal. Pada and during the eighth week the muscles take their positions around the bone forms. (Moore, Developing Human, 6. Edition, 1998.) In short, human developmental stages as described in the Quran, totally in keeping with the findings of modern embryology. 29. Facts about Byzantine victory Other news snippets delivered Quranic future events found in the first paragraph Surat Ar Rum, which refers to the Byzantine Empire, the eastern Roman Empire. In these verses, it is stated that the Byzantine Empire had suffered a major defeat, but would soon gain victory. Alif, Lam, Mim. Romans have been defeated, in the land of their nearest and after their defeat will be victorious, within a few years (again). Affairs to Allah before and after (they won). (Quran, 30:1-4) These verses revealed about the year 620 AD, almost seven years after the great defeat at the hands of the Byzantine Christian Persians, when the Byzantines lost Jerusalem. Then narrated in verse that Byzantium in the near future wins. In fact, the Byzantine period it has suffered a defeat so much that it seems impossible for him to maintain his existence, let alone win again. Not only the Persians, but also Avars, Slavs and Lombards posed a serious threat to the Byzantine Empire. Avars had come up to the boundary wall of Constantinople. Byzantine Emperor Heraclius had ordered the gold and silver that is melted down in the church and used the money to finance the war forces. Many governors had revolted against Emperor Heraclius and the empire and were on the point of collapse. Mesopotamia, Cilicia, Syria, Palestine, Egypt and Armenia, which was originally ruled by the Byzantines, was invaded by the Persians. (Warren Treadgold, A History of the Byzantine State and Society, Stanford University Press, 1997, s. 287-299.) In short, everyone thought the Byzantine Empire would collapse. But right at that moment, the first verse revealed Surat Ar Rum and announcing that Byzantium would triumph again in a few years. This victory seemed so impossible that Arab mushrikeen make this verse as a subject of derision. They believe that the Quran proclaimed victory will never come true. About seven years after the revelation of the first verses is Surat Ar Rum, in December 627 AD, decisive war between the Byzantine Empire and Persia happened in Nineveh. And this time, the Byzantine army unexpectedly defeated the Persians. Several months later, the Persians had to make an agreement with Byzantium, which obliged them to return the territory they took from the Byzantines. (Warren Treadgold, A History of the Byzantine State and Society, Stanford University Press, 1997, s. 287-299.) Finally, the victory of the Romans announced by Allah in the Quran, miraculously come true. Another miracle revealed in these verses is the announcement of a geographical fact that can not be found by anyone at that time. In the third verse of Surat Ar Rum, reported that the Romans had been defeated in the lowest region on earth. The phrase Adnal Ardli in Arabic, translated as place near in many translations. But this is not the literal meaning of the sentence, but it is more of an interpretation. The word Adna in Arabic is taken from the word Dani, which means low and ARDL which means earth. Therefore, the phrase Adnal Ardli means the lowest place on earth. The most interesting, important stages in the battle between the Byzantine Empire and the Persians, when the Byzantines were defeated and lost Jerusalem, actually occurred in the lowest point on earth. This is the area which meant the Dead Sea basin, which is located at the meeting point of the area is owned by Syria, Palestine, and Jordan. Dead Sea, located 395 meters below sea level, is the lowest region on earth. This means that the Byzantines were defeated in the lowest parts of the earth, exactly as stated in this paragraph. The most interesting thing in this is the fact that the height of the Dead Sea could only be measured with modern measurement techniques. Previously, it was impossible for anyone to know that this is the lowest region in the Earths surface. However, in the Quran, the area was declared as the lowest point on earth. Thus, this provides further evidence that the Quran is a divine revelation. Forum discussion on forex supply and demand Forum discussion on forex supply and demand That is, the hypothetical and theoretical. No foreign exchange is permissible for journey to Nepal and Bhutan. 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